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Exciting Advances in Precision Medicine

 By Janis Naeve, Venture Partner at Cota Capital

Precision medicine focuses on targeted, personalized care using carefully collected and extensive amounts of data. The objective of precision medicine is to make diagnosis of disease or illness, treatment therapies, and prevention more personalized, proactive, predictive and precise.

Companies, like Mission Bio, are developing single-cell DNA and multi-omic analysis platform technologies that offer an unparalleled level of granularity and precision that is critical for complex research areas such as cancer studies, pharmaceutical development, and advanced cell and gene therapies. Unlike traditional methods such as bulk sequencing, sequencing at the single-cell level provides more precise information that opens the door for more tailored and effective next-generation treatment strategies.

Cota Venture Partner, Janis Naeve, PhD, and special guest, Todd Druley, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Mission Bio, discuss how these technological advances enable the discoveries at the molecular basis for cancer and can lead to the advancement of new therapeutics.



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